The Enterprising Entrepreneur: Behind the Scenes of Timberella 6

The Enterprising Entrepreneur: Behind the Scenes of Timberella 6

In the practice of art-based mindfulness, an intention rests behind every artwork. Preluding the creation of Timberella 6 (T6), the intention was enterprising

Immediately, the piece went in unexpected directions. I wanted to think forward in time, but T6 took me back. I wanted enterprising to be expressed as entrepreneurial grandeur and financial success, she wanted simplicity and resourcefulness.

Restricted by time and materials—and knowing better than to force creative flow—I opened to the process. Here are the surprising (and inspiring) results! 

Artful Mid-Life Magic: Embracing Peri | Menopause and Change

Artful Mid-Life Magic: Embracing Peri | Menopause and Change

Art-based mindfulness and mindfulness-based art therapy can be used to address the physical and socio-emotional changes that are experienced during mid-life. In this week’s blog, I explore the research, and also share five benefits of art-based mindfulness during mid-life transitions including perimenopause.

When Life Falls Apart— Six Tips For Getting Through

When Life Falls Apart— Six Tips For Getting Through

When things fall apart, it is entirely possible that they are falling together. In this week’s blog, I share about the two most difficult periods of my life—caregiving and divorce—and how creativity and mindset were used to get through. This blog also features six tips for managing personal crisis with acceptance and grace.

Girl in the Woods Parable #6 | Creativity & Inner Wisdom

Girl in the Woods Parable #6 | Creativity & Inner Wisdom

There once was a girl, who lived in the woods, in a nest on the tallest of treetops…

Through parable and environmental sculpture, Girl in the Woods is an ongoing body of work that explores my personal journey through the lens of yoga philosophy and nature-based art. Central to the story is a woodland character named Timberella.In Parable 6, she meets the Stag— symbolizing divinity—who teaches her how to connect with her Inner Wisdom through art and creativity. The sculpture Timberella 3 is also revealed

Girl in the Woods Parable #5 | Catharsis

Girl in the Woods Parable #5 | Catharsis

There once was a girl, who lived in the woods, in a nest on the tallest of treetops…

Through parable and environmental sculpture, Girl in the Woods is an ongoing body of work that explores my personal journey through the lens of yoga philosophy and nature-based art. Central to the story is a woodland character named Timberella. Parable 5 describes her return to the broken nest, and moment of catharsis.

Five Ways Art Therapy Gave Me The Courage To Start My Business

Five Ways Art Therapy Gave Me The Courage To Start My Business

Through art therapy, courage is cultivated not by “building up”, but by exploring the things that block it. Art therapy allows those blocks to subtly shift and fall away, so that you can be more present and authentic to life’s challenges and opportunities. This blog explores how I used art therapy to start my business.

Girl in the Woods Parable #4 | Tending To One's Roots

Girl in the Woods Parable #4 | Tending To One's Roots

There once was a girl, who lived in the woods, in a nest on the tallest of treetops…

Through parable and environmental sculpture, Girl in the Woods is an ongoing body of work that explores my personal journey through the lens of yoga philosophy and nature-based art. Central to the story is a woodland character named Timberella. Timberella 2 emerges in parable #4, with the message of emotional safety and tending to one’s roots.

Girl in the Woods Parable #3 | Of Voice and Sky

Girl in the Woods Parable #3 | Of Voice and Sky

Through parable and environmental sculpture, Girl in the Woods is an ongoing body of work that explores my personal journey through the lens of yoga philosophy and nature-based sculpture. Central to the story is a woodland character named Timberella, a lost girl who is guided by the wisdom of the forest creatures. Parable #3 explores imperfection, voice, amplification, and connection.

Girl in the Woods Parable #2 | The Bird With No Wings

Girl in the Woods Parable #2 | The Bird With No Wings

Through parable and environmental sculpture, Girl in the Woods is an ongoing body of work that explores my personal journey through the lens of yoga philosophy and nature-based sculpture. Central to the story is a woodland character named Timberella, a lost girl who is guided by the wisdom of the forest creatures. Parable Two explores victimhood; the girl discovers a new wisdom key.